EIPASS Junior is a digital skills training and certification program, dedicated to students aged 9 to 13 years.
The multimedia revolution we are experiencing has produced a historical change that goes beyond the innovations of various means of communication (television, computer, internet, etc.): It is associated with a new view of the world, a new type of man and society.
The school should be the protagonist of this change and a reference point for children and families.
For this reason, it is important that teachers are properly trained to expand and enrich the plan of training offers as well as the teaching program with content and digital character.
The acquisition of digital culture is not just about the proper use of a computer: it also provides for the full development of computer thinking, the stimulation of logical thought processes and structures, to provide a wealth of skills and expertise that can interact with areas different of knowledge. In this way young students understand that recognizing autonomy is the ultimate goal of the learning process.
If it is true that many children already know how to use the equipment, then it is also true that experience in this field alone is not enough if it is not accompanied by analysis and reflection and can in fact be harmful and unconvincing. Computer education is not an objective, but a method: technology evolves and creates new forms of gap (we think web 2.0 is used in mobile devices). Computer education is a prerequisite for creating a truly digital culture that:
- Allows everyone to know the tools available and used, the potential of the internet and the risks associated with their identity and security;
- Understand the value of networking as a place of opportunity as well as opportunities for personal and professional development.
Program Content
The development and consolidation of digital skills in school-age children is to date one of the major cultural, economic and social issues for the entire international community. Since the publication of the “Recommendation of the European Parliament” on key competencies for lifelong learning (LLL) on 18 December 2006, there has been varying access to school and more generally to the field of training in order to make proposals concrete to solve the nodes of proper definition of an ICT training program in primary education with unfavorable conditions.
The EIPASS Junior program takes as an educational reference framework what are called “Skills for active citizenship”, which give special importance to the following behaviors:
- Learn to Learn
- design
- Collaboration and participation
- Acting independently and responsibly
- Problem solving
- Identify connections and relationships
- Obtaining and interpreting information
Skills with digital characters take on a mediating character in the European context. This is because the ability to use information and communication technology properly and efficiently is now considered a basic requirement, a prerequisite for correcting individual interfaces with various forms of formal, non-formal and informal learning.
But not only that, the program is approved in fact, as a necessary and unavoidable educational factor for defining a basic educational program in educating those elements that are related to the discipline of computer science and that are thought to be necessary for the growth and development of interdisciplinary skills. in the subject of education.
Informatics, then as a science and methodology has been joined with the list of technological tools and equipment that the citizen must be able to know and possess to achieve the goal of “Responsible Citizenship in the Information Society”.
Modules, Exam List
Module 1: Basic elements of informatics
Module 2: Analysis of the hardware components of a computer
Module 3: Managing an operating system with graphical interface (basic elements)
Module 4: Foundations for IT productivity
Module 5: The Basics of Navigating and Searching the Web for Information