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  Auto Service

The course for AUTO Service that we develop includes in the program three fields of mechanics as: motor, generic and electroauto.
The topics of the program of this course are numerous and are best combined in theory and practical lessons, which are developed intensively for a year without interruption in our laboratories, where the trainees are trained in disassembling all the engine parts of the car, replacing them, finding defects, diagnosing the vehicle, recognizing and disassembling all generic parts. In addition to theory and practice classes, our trainees develop a month of professional practice in the best services in the country, with whom we have cooperation agreements. All these and not only, make this course very complete and enable the trainees to, at the end of it, become skilled mechanics to perform various repairs of all car systems.
The doctor cares about people’s health, the mechanic for the safety of their lives!


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